Monday, May 17, 2010


On Sunday, I took the train to Winchester. It's in Hampshire between London and Southampton. Originally it was a Roman settlement, then it was the capital of England during the Anglo Saxons and the Norman period-roughly between 700 and 1200. There was a royal palace in Winchester until the English Civil War.

Winchester Cathedral-on the site of the original Anglo Saxon cathedral, the current cathedral is Norman and was completed in 1100.
The front of the cathedral
Side view
Queen Mary Tudor ("Bloody Mary") married Philip of Spain here
The Flying Butresses
The Central Nave
12th century painting in one of the inner chapels
Jane Austen's grave-they don't mention that she was a novelist, though they did dedicate a window to her nearby in the 1900s

The house where Jane Austen died, she came to Winchester to consult a doctor-they think she had TB or a similiar disease.
The ruins of Wolvesey Castle, the Bishops of Winchester lived here
The Castle was built around the same time as the Cathedral.
Bloody Mary had her wedding reception here.
The drains from the latrine block!!
A round table in the Great Hall with the names of King Arthur and his knights-a 13th century fake made by one of the Henrys
The ceiling of the Great Hall-the only remaining part of the medieval palace
Some timber framed houses near the cathedral
Another house across from the cathedral