Sunday, April 04, 2010

Keats in Hampstead

On Saturday, I did a tour about the poet John Keats in Hampstead-we went around the different places he lived, etc. It was a nice day so Hampstead was looking even better than normal, but still on a hill so lots of going up and down!

A square just off Hampstead High Street
The Keats House as seen through the front garden-was actually the house of a friend of his but he boarded here until he went to Rome where he died.

The Wells Tavern-he and his brother had rooms here-still a working pub

The Burgh House-friends of Keats lived here
Nothing to do with Keats-this is 3 Willow Road, supposedly one of the best examples of Modernist architecture in the UK. I think it's hideous but to each their own.Allegedly these were the gates that were once in front of Newgate Prison-how they ended up in posh Hampstead, no one knows!