Friday, April 02, 2010

London Zoo

Today I finally went to the London Zoo. It is right in the middle of London in Regent's Park-it's been there since the 1800s. It's a great zoo, they're really creative with their space like the National Zoo-although the London Zoo costs 18 quid to get in!! It rained for awhile but it thinned all the kiddies out!!

An African warthog-you can't see his tusks very well.
A Young giraffe
Closeup of giraffe
African Hunting Dog
The Snowden Aviary-designed by Lord Snowden, Princess Margaret's ex husband
A Sloth-they had just opened a new open air rainforest exhibit-he was so close you could have touched him!
The poor meerkats hundled under the heat lamp, wondering how the hell they ended up in the rainy UK!!
Kookaboura-from Australia
Lion- the London Zoo's lions are Asian lions, they only exist in the wild in one forest in India
Bearded pig
Bird from the African Tropical Aviary
Another African bird
Monkeys grooming each other
An exotic species!- the new stray kitten
Flowers from St James's Park-I took these last weekend
More flowers
Flowers looking toward Horseguards