Sunday, April 11, 2010

Witches, Kensington Gardens and other misc photos

On Sunday, I did a walk about witches and magic in London, really funny and interesting, so a couple of pictures from that. It's been pretty nice all week so I went to Kensington Gardens and thought I would post those photos too.

The pyramid steeple of St George's Bloomsbury-one of six churches designed by Nicolas Hawksmoor which form a line in the shape of the Eye of Horus-a magic symbol

Window display from the Atlantis Bookshop-the oldest occult bookshop in London, opened in 1920
Nothing to do with witches, (that anyone knows of), Apsley House, former home of the Duke of Wellington who defeated Napoleon
Wellington Arch
Some of the gardens looking towards Kensington Palace
The rest are flowers from Kensington Gardens