Sunday, June 17, 2007

Views of London during Jessie and Bill's visit

These are the pictures I took of London during the ten days or so that Jessie and Bill were here.

The Royal Albert Hall
Jessie in front of the Sticky Fingers Cafe, owned by Bill Wyman

Sign for the play, The Woman in Black
The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square
Me in the Hard Rock Cafe with straw in my mouth (Jessie insisted on taking the photo)

Jessie and Bill on the boat that we took from Westminster to the Tower

Jessie and Bill in front of Kensington Palace
Ponies and horses in Hyde Park- they were having a riding lesson

Guards at the Tower of London

The guards changing at the Tower

One of the ceilings in Harrods

An Egyptian statue in the Egyptian Hall at Harrods (the statue is not real)

The Diana and Dodi memorial at Harrods- really, really tacky- she would have hated it!!!
A victorian building near the Royal Albert Hall

Pigeons on one of the gravestones in Old Brompton cemetary

One of the tombstones that Jessie liked
Part of the cemetary where soldiers from World War One were buried

Another tombstone in the Brompton cemetary
Beatles graffiti on the wall in front of the Abbey Road studios
Abbey Road Studios- where the Beatles, etc. recorded