Saturday, April 21, 2007

The South Bank of London

I took a break from writing my term papers (exciting!) and took a guided tour of the South Bank of London, roughly between Waterloo Station and the Globe Theatre

A view of St. Paul's Cathedral from the South Bank
Some houses from about the 1820s, they were built for the working classes of London

Some more examples of working class homes from the 1820s
The oldest theatre in London still operating-the Old Vic, been putting on plays since 1818
The Kings Arms Pub- been there from the late 1800s
The London Nautical School-opened in 1913 after the sinking of the Titanic to train people to work on cruise liners, still operates, though it is boys only
House where William Bligh from Mutiny on the Bounty fame lived
A plaque of Atlas holding up the globe- this is from the 1820s before London had fire stations and houses were insured by private insurance companies who had their own fire brigades. The different companies had different plaques so they would only put out fires at houses that were insured with them.