Thursday, April 12, 2007

Far West of Cornwall- Views from Southwestern Coastal Path

Most of the time that I was in Cornwall, I hiked along part of the Southwestern Coastal Path. I walked about 7 to 8 miles a day. The weather was really nice and didn't rain once (Surprise, surprise!) All the pictures below were taken over several days on the coastal path and unless otherwise noted are all coastal views.

Waterfall running from the cliffs
A ship that ran aground only a few years ago- still dangerous coastline!

Holiday makers at Porthcurno beach

A couple of guys boogie boarding
A farm about a mile from the coast
A view of the West Penrith moors
Longships Lighthouse- just off Land's End

Sea Holly on the path-(It actually stuck you, so you had to avoid brushing up against them!)
Dog running through the water
A rare breed of some special Cornish cow (I forget the name)

A cow looking over a stone fence

Ponies in a field just off the coast

Cape Cornwall- once thought to be the westernmost point of England- it was later determined that Land's End was

A burro grazing- a friend for Guido!!