Saturday, May 19, 2007

West Kensington

I got lucky with my walking tour today. I went on the walk for West Kensington, which is only offered once a year but coincidently it started and ended at Gloucester Road station, near to where Jim will be staying next week. I hadn't really been to that part of Kensington before, it's a really nice area, most places in Kensington are, of course!! Hugh Grant lives in the area and Princess Di lived in the area before she married Prince Charles.

Old Brompton Cemetary, laid out in the Victorian age, about 100,000 people are buried here
Princess Diana's flat before she married Prince Charles- her parents paid 50,000 for it, now would be worth over a million-nothing to do with connection to her, property is just that expensive!!
House of Agatha Christie after she divorced her first husband-wrote the play the Mousetrap here
Hereford Arms pub- Prince Eddy, aka Jack the Ripper, used to drink regularly here.
Former home of the composer Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan fame
Former home of the artist John Millais- he ran off with his friend, John Ruskin's wife-now Zambian embassy
Home of Howard Carter who discovered King Tut's tumb
Plaque on the former site of Beatrix Potter's home- it was destroyed by bombs during World War Two