Monday, June 18, 2007

Salisbury,Stonehenge, Avebury and Old Sarum

Jessie, Bill and I took a great day trip out of the city. We went to Stonehenge and Avebury- which is another ancient stone circle, larger in circumference than Stonehenge with a village in the middle. We also went to Salisbury with its famous cathedral which was really beautiful, much prettier than Westminster Abbey which Jim said looked like a dollar store with lots of stuff in it!! We also visited Old Sarum Castle, which is the remains of an old castle from the Norman Times which was built on Iron Age fortifications.

Some of the stones at Avebury
Jessie and Bill in front of one of the stones

Avebury Manor House-built in 14th and 15th centuries

St. James at Avebury church- begun in the 1100s
A medieval thatched barn- now a museum and shop
A typical cottage in Avebury

A 16th century dovecote

Sheep amongst the stones
Remains of a wall at Old Sarum
The remaining foundations of a cathedral at Old Sarum

Remains of the moat with the Iron Age earthworks beside it

A RV park from Old Sarum (called Holiday caravans over here
)- for Dad!!
House opposite Salisbury Cathedral
View of spire at Salisbury
Another view of the cathedral

View of the cloisters
The painted ceiling
The nave
Some of the stained glass windows

Another view of the ceiling
St John's gate- from 14th century
View of Stonehenge

Another view of Stonehenge