Sunday, August 05, 2007


Saturday I took a tour of the redeveloped Docklands area of London, including Canary Wharf- known as Manhatten on the Thames. The Docklands are on the Isle of Dogs which is actually on the penisula that jots out into the Thames across from Greenwich (Look at a map of London and you will understand) Anyways, from about 1800 until 1980, this was the main place that cargo was loaded and unloaded in the UK. They were closed in about 1980 because the docks were too small to handle the new large containers. The whole area was derelict and then was reclaimed in the last 20 years or so as a new financial and media center. Many companies left the City and moved to Canary Wharf because it was so much cheaper. A really interesting tour and new part of London for me. It was Saturday so it was uncrowded so no wealthy bankers for me!! Sigh!!

View of Central London- you can see the Gherkin
The Millennium Dome or the O2 as it's called now. Located across the river in Greenwich- Prince is performing there at the moment (Been a prima donna but sold out all 21 concert dates so they don't care!)
Some of the buildings at Canary Wharf
The tallest building in the UK (only 50 stories which is high for around here!)
The gate into the West India company warehouse- first to develop the Docklands
The West India Company warehouses from 1803- now restaurants, cafes and the Docklands museum
Part of the old Millwall Harbor Docks showing how large they were- buildings all converted into housing now
Sailboat on Millwall Harbor

Still alot of construction going on
Cow on Mudchute Farm- largest farm in London. It's a public park now. It's called Mudchute because it was made from the mud tunneled out of the docks while being built