Thursday, July 12, 2007

Doctors' London

Last weekend wa really sunny-a rare occurrence lately!! I did a walking tour of Doctors' London- took you around parts of the City of London associated with the medical profession from ancient to about Victorian times- really interesting. I also saw the opening time trials for the Tour de France- the first two days of the race were in the UK this year-they even brought their own French gendarmes over!!

Royal Apothcaries' Hall- from the 1700s

Statue of King Henry the VIII on St. Barts' Hospital
Holy Sepulcre Church- during the crusades this would be where the knights would take their last communion before leaving
Old Bailey- aka the Central Criminal Court- the main courthouse in London
St. Michael's Church- remains of a mummified cat were discovered in the foundation
The dome of St. Stephen's Walbeck- another Wren church- ordinarily buildings block the dome from sight but there is a building site beside it at the moment allowing it to be seen
Some of the Tour de France

More of the race