Tudor and Stuart Whitehall
Bust of Charles I on the Banqueting House, one of the only bits left of Whitehall Palace. The bust is placed near to the spot where Charles got his head chopped off by Oliver Cromwell
The window on the Banqueting House that Charles walked though to get on the scaffold to get his head chopped offThe stairs that led to Queen Mary's terrace (long since gone) The terrace was designed by Christopher Wren for Queen Mary II (William and Mary)
The gatehouse at St. James' Palace dating from Tudor times
The window of the Chapel Royal of St. James Palace, the ceiling inside was painted by Holbein, though it isn't open to the public
Flowers in St. James Park
More flowers in the park
Setting up the grandstands at Horse Guards for the Trooping of the Color in June- the official celebration of the Queen's birthday.