Sunday, August 15, 2010


I did a tour of Brixton last weekend, but have only now gotten around to posting the pictures. Brixton is in South London, since the 1940s, it has been the home of the West Indian or Caribbean immigrant community. There were a series of riots in the 1980s, though now has become "trendy."

Part of the Brixton Market-been here since the 1930s, hundreds of independent shops.
The Communist Gallery shop-it wasn't open so don't know what was inside
One of the pictures in the shop window. It made me laugh.
An old Victorian laundry-still owned by the same family. It's been open since 1904.

St Matthew's Church-a Victorian church
The Ritzy-built in 1911-one of the first purpose built cinemas in the UK.
The Brixton Public Library