Monday, November 12, 2007

King's Cross-St. Pancras

Over the weekend I took a tour of the King's Cross-St. Pancras area with their rail stations. King's Cross trains go to the North and Scotland and the trains from St. Pancras go to the Midlands and starting next week to the continent. They just finished restoring St. Pancras which was an old Victorian station. The whole area is being revamped as it has generally been known as where you go to pick up prostitutes!!

The ceiling in St. Pancras- you can't tell from the picture but it is sky blue.
The front facade of St. Pancras station
Front of King's Cross- we caught the train to Edinburgh here
Platform 9 and 3/4s from Harry Potter
The old St. Pancras church-oldest site of Christian worship in Britain though the present building dates back to the 14th century
The churchyard of St. Pancras church- Mary and Percy Shelley declared their love for each other here-(over the grave of her mother, Mary Wollestonecraft, who has since been moved)
When the railroad was built they had to move all the bodies elsewhere. Thomas Hardy was involved and they stacked the gravestones by the tree. They have since become embedded in the roots
The skating rink at the Natural History museum-actually in South Kensington, near where I am living.
Christmas in front of the Natural History Museum