Sunday, September 30, 2007

Notting Hill

Over the weekend, I took a turn of Notting Hill (made famous by the movie with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts). It's quite a nice and trendy place to live- a ton of famous people live in the area. Really expensive, of course.

A row of coloured terraced houses
Another one of terraced houses
The Travel Bookshop from the movie-(Hugh Grant's character owns it in the film)
St. Peter's Church- built when the area was first developed in the 1800s.
The view up the street from the front of St. Peter's

St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic church- built for the poor Irish community that settled in the area during the Potato Famine
Notting Hill used to have a lot of potteries in the 1800s- Dickens wrote about them. This is the last remaining kiln (though it is apparently the dining room of a house now)
An example of one of the larger houses in Notting Hill