Sunday, November 04, 2007

Georgian London

Over the weekend, I took a tour of "Georgian London,"-which basically means the 1700s. Much of the walk took place around Bloomsbury and the British Museum as many of the buildings from the 1700s are still there. Also the area was first developed in that time.

Trees in Kensington Gardens- the colours didn't turn out in the photo, but the leaves are turning- quite pretty
Not a Georgian building, but one of the few half-timbered buildings still left from Tudor times
A street with typical Georgian houses- this street is actually only a couple of blocks from where I lived this summer

Detail of a 18th century house
The front of Dr. Johnson's house in Gough Square- it is a museum and furnished as it would have been in the 1700s
The church of the Holy Sepulcre without Newgate
A reminder for Jessie and Bill- the theatre where Spamalot is performed