Sunday, November 09, 2008

Lord Byron Walk

I went on a walk about Lord Byron on Saturday. It rained nearly all day so I didn't have a chance to take many pictures. It was really interesting, though, and I was glad to have gone it even if it rained.

No 2 Carlton House Terrace- the former house of the Foreign Secretary until about two years ago

A Blue Plaque to Ada, Countess Lovelace, the only child of Lord Byron
Burlington House- now home of the Royal Academy of Arts, but in Lord Byron's day one of the grandest London Mansions. When the Elgin Marbles were brought to the UK, they were kept in a coal shed at the house for several years
Fortnum and Mason decorated for Christmas-one of the grandest grocery stores in London- they hold a Queen's warrant
A French sweet shop decorated for Christmas- the decorations are going up all over London