Thursday, November 04, 2010

St Albans

Over the weekend, I went to St Albans-about 25 minutes north of London. Now it is mainly a commuter town, but originally it was the third largest Roman town in Britain-Verlingham. Then it became a pilgrimage spot-the first British martyr-St Alban- had a shrine here. It's still there though was partially destroyed in the Reformation.

The Abbey of St Albans-parts of it date to the 9th century, though mostly from the 14th century with Victorian restorations
Another view of the front
Side view looking towards the entrance
Looking towards the Chapter House
The nave
Some medieval paintings leading to the shrine
The painting were covered up during the Reformation so they were preserved.

14th Century gatehouse

Remains of a Roman theatre-looking towards the audience

Looking towards the stage area

An overview of the entire site
The foundations of a Roman house
The Abbey

Allegedly one of the oldest pubs in England
One of the streets in centre of the town

Some 17th century buildings