Sunday, October 25, 2009

Medical London

I should perhaps title this, Posh Medical London. The walk was around Harley Street which is the really exclusive place to go for medical treatment. Not a NHS clinic or Doctor's surgery in sight. It costs several hundred pounds for a 15 minute consulation. It's the place to get Botox apparently!! It's been the exclusive medical community since Victorian times.

The former clinic of Dr. Morell Mackenzie- he treated Queen Victoria's son-in law, Fritz. Unfortunately he misdiagnosed him and Fritz died a few months later.

Queen's College- the first secondary school for girls, it opened in 1848, though initially just trained them as governesses

Nothing to do with medicine- this was the home of Elizabeth Barrett Browning before she got married.
A former hospital for gentlewomen, Florence Nightengale had her first job here

The home of Churchill's doctor, it was bombed during the war
The former office of the speech therapist who treated George VI- the father of the current Queen
Prince's Crescent- the start of Harley Street

Friday, October 16, 2009

Milton's London

Over the weekend (been delayed posting as I was busy and then just lazy), I did a tour on Milton's London- as in John Milton of Paradise Lost and other famous works that I've never read. Sorry to confess as an English major that I only read one or two things by Milton and hated them both- so no desire to improve my mind by reading anymore. But as he is the most famous writer that was born and lived in London for most of his life- he had a couple of stints in prison, I thought I should at least pay my respects to the man.

St Giles Cripplegate- where Milton is buried, couldn't get in as most City Churches are closed on the weekend
Hard to read but says that Milton was baptised in a church closeby since taken down. Milton was born and died before the Great Fire.
St Mary's where Milton was married for the third time. He was rather infamously unhappily married and wanted to get divorced but lucked out when she died.
St Bartomelow's-dated from the 14th century

Nothing to do with Milton, but a fancy car for a wedding- this was on Saturday