Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Clarence House and Surrounding Area

I visited the home of Charles and Camilla, Clarence House. It was actually quite nice with many family photos displayed including one of Camilla showing off her legs!!! (I guess Charles likes them!!!) I also walked around St. James Park and Pall Mall and the surrounding buildings.

Side View of Clarence House
Clarence House
View of Flowers and Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace as seen from Pall Mall
Carriage entering Buckingham Palace (I saw it, it wasn't anybody important)
Same carriage going down Pall Mall
Buckingham Palace seen from St. James Park
Geese in St. James Park
Ducks in St. James Park
The Banqueting House, the only part still standing from Whitehall Palace
No. 10 Downing Street
The Horse Guards Parade Grounds
Horse Guards with the London Eye in the background
Soldier at Horse Guards
St. James Palace
Soldiers at Front entrance of St. James Palace
Soldiers walking down the street
Marlborough House, the home of Edward VII and Queen Alexandra
Another view of Marlborough House
Carlton House Terrace, where many American heiresses lived in Edwardian Times